Same quality but better

We know the quality of Reverse Gear apparel is first class, we have no concerns there. We have a new batch of shorts on the way and a classic jersey is being revised for 2015 - they should be in very soon. We’re eagerly awaiting the first new product under our management and will be very pleased to release it just as soon as we can. We’re planning further products already and changes to our site to make it clearer, easier to use and more helpful.

However… this coming weekend, we will be revising our regular pricing - we’ve been listening and we can see some room for improvement that will help convince you to try our gear and see for yourselves why it’s the best clothing for reclined, recumbent and other leisure activities. This is new regular pricing, not temporary sales and we will be keeping things as simple as possible.

Be sure to check out our store this weekend. Share the good news…

Jon & Gaynor