Reverse Gear wants to make it easy for customers to try and buy our clothing they shop for their other recumbent gear. Retailers - if you are interested in carrying our products or want to discuss a custom line, please .
Customers, check regularly for new locations carrying Reverse Gear around the world.
Current locations include:
Amlings Cycle
8140 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Niles, IL
Phone: 847-692-4240
Bent Up Cycles
7828 Balboa Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA
Phone: 818-994-4171
Hostel Shoppe
3201 John Joanis Drive
Stevens Point, WI
Phone: 715.341.BIKE (2453)

Neighborhood Transportation Recumbent and Foldable Bikes
6802 Shallowford Road
The Oaks Shopping Center
Lewisville, NC
Phone: 336-946-0528
Custom Products
If you like what you see - you can get the gear customized the way you want it. Reverse Gear can make all of our products in your team colours or with your custom artwork sublimated into the design, as long as you order a minimum of one dozen (50% pre-paid). For questions about the process or for price quotes,
Dealers or Retailers
We want your customers to be our customers too. So we would be very happy for you to carry any/all Reverse Gear. There are three ways that you can carry Reverse Gear products in your local shop. You can:
- 1. order standard products as seen in our catalogue;
- 2. special order in your preferred colours and sizes; or
- 3. create a unique custom look with your own supplied artwork sublimated into the designs.
All custom orders are a minimum of one dozen, with reductions in price subject to volumes (50% pre-paid). If you are a dealer or retailer, and want to carry our products, �for more information about process or prices.