Reverse Gear

the official blog of Reverse Gear Inc.

Selling 38 ft Motorhome

An early stop for RG Bargy

In 2009, Reverse Gear went on the road to visit cycle shops, events and trade shows across North America. To travel we purchased a 2000 Newmar Dutchstar 38-foot diesel pusher RV, which we nicknamed RG Bargy. It was roomy and comfortable, with enough room in the basement to store our two trikes as well as the golf clubs. We lived in it full-time and travelled across Canada and the United States - having the time of our lives.

In the first year, we travelled mostly in the east covering to North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Ohio - before returning to Toronto. In the second year, we did North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Year three found us on the road again to California for Recumbent Cycle-Con.

During those years on the road we met hundreds of recumbent cyclists and brought many fond memories back with us to Canada.

Due to circumstances, we are no longer able to travel. So with sadness, we are selling our 38 ft. Class A motor-home and settling back in Toronto.

If you know of anyone who is seeking to enjoy the mobile lifestyle in a reasonably-priced older RV - that is in excellent condition - please let us know. We would be happy to discuss the features of the RV, including many upgrades we made to the engine and the interior. We would also be happy to discuss the lifestyle with anyone who is considering it. This vehicle is ideal for: short-term travel or taking a couple of snowbirds south for the winter, as we did. It is large enough to enjoy living in it as full-timers. or it could be enjoyed as a part-time summer or winter home.

For a list of features, go to:

Or watch this video tour: 2000 Newmar Dutchstar - For Sale

The RV is currently available for viewing in London, Ontario.

An HHR Toad is also available, complete with installed Blue Ox towing and Even-Brake braking systems - if you are interested.

Price for either / both are negotiable.


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