A new review in Velo Vision magazine

Velo Vision magazine - lots of coversSome of our clothing has received another media review!

Velo Vision magazine, a really enjoyable magazine based out of the UK, has just reviewed our newest products in the latest issue, issue 50. If you’ve not seen a copy of Velo Vision magazine before, we encourage you to try to seek one out. Its tag line is “The Alternative Cycling Magazine” and it has a distinct style of its own, featuring lots of recumbent bikes and trikes, cargo and city bikes, touring bikes, velomobiles as well as gear, clothing, books and accessories for those of us who ride something other than a traditional road bike or mountain bike (which are already pretty well supplied with dedicated reading material).

While production is based in the UK, it’s certainly available in bike stores in North America and elsewhere and features plenty of content from outside the UK. You can also subscribe to receive the print magazine directly wherever you live in the world and even subscribe for digital-only editions.

Howard Yeomans, the editor and publisher, reveiwed our Silver Maple and Red Maple jerseys as well as our Basswood short liners:

Reverse Gear review in Velo Vision magazine - from issue 50 - imageOf the jerseys, he said “…the colours chosen look good together…”, “…with the zip fully up, the collar still felt comfortable and roomy…” and “…usefully generous pockets…”.

Of the short liners, he noted that “…the fabric is flexible and hugs the rider in a way normal underwear cannot…”.

You can read the full review as we’ve added it to our Sightings page as a PDF.